Finding Your Purpose & Living Your Destiny!

Astrology, Past Lives and You


September 7 - 8, 2024

A 50% non-refundable deposit of only $225, or pay in full $450.




DAY ONE: 9am - 4pm

Meditation – Cleansing & Clearing Your Energy

On Day One we are going to dive back into your astrology. I understand that this is a subject that contains A LOT of information and so we will re-visit some of the major features of astrology and your own Natal Charts so that you can have a greater awareness of your soul’s journey in this lifetime. We will then move on to Transits. Transits tell us what the planets are doing right now and with this information, we can look at your Charts and be aware of what you are going through right now, what is coming up for you in the immediate future and how you can best navigate it all. In particular, we will look at the major transit of Pluto through Aquarius and how it will affect you over the next 20 years, as well as how it will affect the collective energy of the Earth plane. 

The Inner Child
Understanding and healing our inner child is an essential part of our journey in any lifetime.  So often we are hurt, misunderstood, neglected or worse in our childhoods and then that younger part of you remains stuck in what has gone before, without the awareness tools or knowledge to move out of this or heal it.  The teenage inner child can often be the most wounded as this part of our lives is so driven by our emotions and our awareness of how we do or don’t fit in with those around us.  Through a deep meditative healing we can connect with the inner child and allow her to understand and let go of the hurts she has suffered in the past and to use these experiences to grow and evolve as a soul on a journey. 

Mastering The Ego Self
Experiences that we go through in life often leave their mark on us and these “marks” can manifest into our core beliefs and behavioural strategies.  The Ego Self is a formidable opponent that we must learn to master so as we can rise above and evolve out of its control.   The Higher Self only wishes for what is best for you and is always there encouraging, supporting and loving you every step of the way.  In this part of the Workshop, we will identify the fears, beliefs and challenges that are keeping you stuck in your Ego Self, and then transform these energies into positive, constructive and self-loving strategies for moving forward.  This will give you the tools and understandings you need to stay in your Higher Self energy and to always be able to identify the Ego Self when it comes in resulting in a calmer, more fluid and more successful life path for you moving forward.

DAY TWO: 9am - 4pm

Meditation – Cleansing & Clearing Your Energy

Past Lives
We have all had many incarnations on the Earth plane and in each one we chose specific lessons to learn so that we could evolve as souls on a journey. The earth plane is a School of Learning and therefore everything we choose to experience here we are doing so because we can learn from it. However, often we do not master the lessons we have set for ourselves and we have to come back and repeat these over and over again. These unresolved and unlearned past life lessons show up in your Natal Chart as “retrogrades” and by identifying these we are then able to really look into what we have to learn here and why. You will learn all about the power of past life energy and the importance of paying attention to what you need to learn as well as being able to see where you are acting/reacting in a past life manner rather than being present and reacting from today’s reality. I will take you into a Past Life Regression where you will be able to see and learn from another lifetime you have lived on the earth plane and what that lifetime has to teach you in this lifetime. As part of our Past Life explorations we will also look deeply into your ancestral karma to see what challenges and hurts have been inherited by you to heal in this lifetime, and also the gifts and talents you have inherited from your ancestors and how to develop and share these.  We are here at this time to finish off the karma that has plagued us for far too long, and what we clear now will clear 7 generations back and 7 generations forward – healing our family lines once and for all.

Oracle Cards
Oracle Cards are one of the best tools you can use to develop your intuition and to start to believe in what you feel within you and what messages you receive from the spiritual realms. You will each receive a deck of Oracle Cards and we will spend time learning how to put your personal energy into these, how to interpret and use them and from there you will break off into smaller groups to do Readings for one another. This part of the Workshop really allows you to use and develop your intuition and to learn to believe in what you feel to be true, over and above logic and practicalities, and it's also a lot of fun! 

Question & Answer Session
I have a wealth of knowledge to share with you and so will open up at the end of the Workshop so that you can ask me any questions you would like to, regarding your own life and soul’s journey, or anything to do with spirituality, or whatever else you feel the need to know at this time.

When securing your spot by deposit, the balance ($225) can be paid in cash upon commencement of the Workshop, via Internet banking or by visiting this page again prior to the commencement of the Workshop.

Numbers are strictly limited. Please feel free to email me using the button below with any questions you may have as well, I am happy to explain the Workshop further if you need.

Meet Your Instructor

My name is Deidre Wilton and I am an Esoteric Astrologer, Clairvoyant, Author and Metaphysical Teacher, based in Wellington, New Zealand. For the last 17 years I have travelled regularly to national and international destinations to teach Esoteric Astrology and Metaphysical Workshops and Courses, and also to give Personal Esoteric Astrology Readings. I work with the assistance and guidance of the Ascended Masters and am committed to helping others to find their true life purpose and to embrace their soul's journey..