Finding Your Purpose & Living Your Destiny!



July 31, 2023


From $186 / fortnight to start OR
$1111 NZD Upfront




This is a 12 week online Esoteric Astrology Course that allows you to interact with me, Deidre Wilton – your teacher, on a one-on-one basis, or in a small group. Unlike most online Courses that are pre-recorded and where you are left to your own devices to learn and do the study required with very limited “real” support, the Star-Wise Esoteric Astrology Course allows you to personally interact with your teacher EVERY WEEK so you can ask questions and gain the understanding you personally need to enjoy and learn esoteric astrology.

My LEVEL ONE Star-Wise Esoteric Astrology On-Line Course will cover the basics of what a Natal Chart is, and how and why it was created. It will then move on from there to explain all 12 signs of the zodiac and what their “energy” represents.

Next, we will move on to the 13 planets that I work with as well as other important placements in the Chart such as the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven. We will explore each of these planets and placements in their own right, as well as in how they can be experienced and learned from when we place them in each sign of the zodiac. After this, we will move onto the House System that makes up any Astrological Chart and what each House represents and how it acts as an arena for lifetime learning. We will then place each planet in each House and work our way through the effects of these on the soul’s learning and life path. And finally, we will take a look at some Natal Charts, including your own, and I will guide and support you to read and interpret these with the knowledge you have attained.

As a Member of Esoteric Astrology Level One You Will Receive...

  • a 12 week Course made up of weekly 90-minute Classes to be held via Skype or Zoom

  • Face-to-face teaching either one-on-one or in a group of no more than 3 students

  • 125-page Star-Wise Esoteric Astrology, Level One Handbook of Notes and Charts that works alongside the teaching as well as being a reference tool for you to refer to in the future

  • Your own personal Star-Wise Natal Chart and exclusively written Star-Wise Astrology Report

A class will take place every week at a pre-determined time via Zoom, and each class will be approximately 90 minutes long. So, this equates to 18+ hours plus of personalised teaching.

Along with this, you will receive a 125-page Star-Wise Esoteric Astrology, Level One Handbook full of notes and information that complement and clarify what you are being taught and that will also be at your disposal in the future for referring to time and time again along your astrological journey.

ALL classes will be face to face with me, and so there will always be an opportunity to ask questions so as you don’t get lost in the learning and so as you have the valuable support and guidance that any student needs when they are learning and committing to something new.

Classes can also be recorded via Zoom so you can download each class after you have completed it and have that video to refer back to should you need to do so at any time.

After completing Level One of the Star-Wise Esoteric Astrology Online Course, for those interested in learning more your next step is Level Two and Three

So, if you have been looking to explore astrology and how it all works as well as how you can use it as a tool to help you not only understand your life but to navigate it with knowledge and understanding, then please do sign up as soon as possible. What you learn from this Course can also help you to understand more about the people around you and why you are in one another’s lives. There are very few Courses out there that can offer this kind of support and personal guidance and I am very much looking forward to sharing all that I know with like-minded and interested participants.

Depending on where in the world people will be participating from, a mutually convenient timetable will be worked out taking everyone’s timeframes into account as much as we possibly can.

As the Classes need to be kept small, there are only very limited spaces available so please do contact me or sign up as soon as possible if you would like to begin your astrology learning with me.

You have the choice of taking 2 Classes per week (we can arrange the second date and time between us) or you can just take one Class per week.

Meet Your Instructor

My name is Deidre Wilton and I am an Esoteric Astrologer, Clairvoyant, Author and Metaphysical Teacher, based in Wellington, New Zealand. For the last 17 years I have travelled regularly to national and international destinations to teach Esoteric Astrology and Metaphysical Workshops and Courses, and also to give Personal Esoteric Astrology Readings. I work with the assistance and guidance of the Ascended Masters and am committed to helping others to find their true life purpose and to embrace their soul's journey..